About Hope Family Care

Losing a child is one of the most difficult experiences anyone could go through. The amount of pain with this tragedy is so enormous that no one should walk alone.

Jeff and Mackenzie Rollins (founders of Hope Family Care) learned this firsthand when their daughter Zoe was laid down for a nap and never woke up. Their pain was unimaginable, but they have turned it into a purpose to help other families walking through this difficult reality. 

Since 2017, they have walked with families all over the USA and Latin America who have lost a child and guided them as they learn to navigate their pain and grief while bringing hope and healing to their lives. The materials and resources help churches equip their staff to care for, help, support, and lead each of these grieving families closer to God and find a safe community as they move forward through their loss in a healthy way.

Mission for Churches:

Hope Family Care exists to offer support to churches and equip them to help parents, siblings, and grandparents during their grieving process through small groups in line with their nine-week "Hope Unshakeable" Curriculum.

Vision for Churches:

To become a center of hope and healing for the community by providing support and resources to families grieving the loss of their child. 

How We Support Churches

When a loss occurs, oftentimes, people are desperate for hope that will help them get through the pain they experience as they walk their grief journey. Hope Family Care desires to help churches become centers of hope and healing that the community can run to when tragedies occur. We accomplish this goal in different ways. 

How We Support Individuals

In the immediate aftermath of a loss, many families have great support from their community and church. However, as time passes and the people that supported that family returns to their normal lives, the family is left to figure out their "new normal" as they walk on their grief journey. Hope Family Care is here to help give them the long-term support that will help them not only live life on the other side of loss but thrive!

Contact With Us to Discuss a Ministry Partnership

Hope Family Care is not another ministry that church leaders have to run; instead, it is an organization that partners with churches to equip the leadership and families already in the church. With a partnership, Hope Family Care actively supports churches by walking with the paid and volunteer leaders leading the grief ministries offered at those churches. 

Death is the one thing that all people, both inside the church and out, will experience. It can be devasting to individuals, families, and even communities if it is not cared for well. However, with the proper support, churches can disciple people through the pain of their loss in such a way that they become the beacons of hope that others who recently find themselves grieving can look to.

For inquiries and clarification, reach out to us. We are happy to answer any questions! 

Thank you!


"A few of the things that helped me at the HFC workshop are that I learned that part of grief is learning how to handle several different emotions at the same time. It helped me write down my guilt, anger, and brokenness about the people I have lost. The forgiveness exercises were also very helpful. I  learned that you have to keep putting one foot in front of the other each day and find the blessings in the midst of the brokenness. Now, I know how beneficial it is to share your grief with others; talking about could be a blessing to someone else."

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