Our Story of Hope- Hull Family (Jamilyn)

Just four years ago, on June 25th, our family’s life was changed forever.  Our 26 year old daughter, Jamilyn Renee’, was killed in a car accident just a day after returning from a trip to Haiti.  Nothing can prepare a parent for the loss of a child or how to navigate life as you attempt to pick up the pieces and make sense of the new normal you find yourself in.  

Although we are brokenhearted, we have been overwhelmed with peace and comfort that can only comes from our Father.  We know without a doubt, that she went from this life to the presence of our Heavenly Father in a matter of seconds.  The Celebration of Life Service ended up being a life giving service that celebrated Jamie’s life and her devotion to the Lord. Because of a post she had written on Facebook while in Israel on her last birthday, November 21, 2014, a theme of saying Yes. to whatever God asks became a central theme at her service and continues to today. As we continue to walk this road of grief and loss, we have met many others that have experienced deep loss as well. Our hope is to point them to the source of where true comfort comes from.

WE SAY YES. | JAMILYN HULL from Toby Canning on Vimeo.