The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Psalm 34:18

One misconception we have at Thanksgiving, is that all of our songs (Psalms) of Thanksgiving will sound the same, with the same tune. I am reminded that all of our Psalms of Thanksgiving will in fact not sound the same this year or any year for that matter, but we ALL still have a song to sing! Whether our song of Thanksgiving has a sorrowful or cheerful tune, God still asks us to sing to Him. He doesn’t ask us to forget or ignore our pain to give Thanksgiving, but rather embrace and use it. God can use our sorrowful song of Thanksgiving to praise Him in a way we’ve never been able to before. It may just be the sweetest tune you’ve ever sung and the world has ever heard- God’s glory!

If your heart is broken, you’ll find God right there; if you’re kicked in the gut, he’ll catch your breath. Psalm 34:18 (The Message)

As we choose to be thankful this Thanksgiving, we are truely humbled by all that we do have to be thankful for this year! So today, we are not praising and celebrating our loss of a loved one but rather the hope of glory that fills our hearts. We give thanks to God because he tells us that our sorrow and pain ‘will be worth it’!

We are also thankful for the reminder that we serve a God who knows our pain. God knows the deep grief of loosing a child, but he did not allow it to define his life. His life on earth was defined by love so that we could have hope.

So today may a deep love of God overwhelm all of our pain this season in a way that we might ALL experience great hope!